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Regionalities -

Friday, October 3, 2014


Official Launch of US Cluster Mapping Tool


***Video playlist for entire conference [Video]***

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Michael Porter's presentation on "Reshaping Regional Economic Development: Clusters and Regional Strategy" - September 29, 2014 [Video] [Slides]

***Videos and slides by agenda item below***

Conference Program Agenda
Humphrey School of Public Affairs
Cowles Auditorium, University of Minnesota

7:30 a.m
Registration and Continental Breakfast
Audience - Cluster Conference 9-29-14.jpg 8:15
Moderator for the Day - Margaret Anderson Kelliher, President and CEO, MN High Tech Association
Eric Kaler, President, University of Minnesota
8:30 - 8:45
Clusters and the U.S. Economic Development Administration's Agenda [Video]
Introduction: Margaret Anderson Kelliher
Matt Erskine, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic Development, Economic Development Administration Matt Erskine - Mapping Conference 9-29-14.jpg
8:45 - 9:30
The U.S. Cluster Mapping Project: A New Tool for Regional Economic Development [Video] [Slides]
Scott Stern, David Sarnoff Professor of Management of Technology, MIT Sloan School of Management Scott Stern - Cluster Conference 9-29-14.jpg
Mercedes Delgado, Professor of Strategic Management, Fox School of Business, Temple University Thumbnail image for Mercedes Delgado - Mapping Conference 9-29-14.jpg
9:30 - 10:00
Using the U.S. Cluster Mapping Tool [Video]
Sarah Jane Maxted, Research Manager, Harvard Business School
Doug Marcey, Director of Engineering, Phase2 Technology
10:00 - 10:45 Mapping Demo - Cluster Conference 9-29-14.jpg
Clusters and Regional Competitiveness [Video] [Slides]
Introduction: Tim Welsh, Board Chair, GREATER MSP and Director, McKinsey & Company
Michael Porter, Bishop William Lawrence University Professor, Harvard Business School Porter - Mapping Conference 9-29-14.jpg
10:45 - 11:00 BREAK
11:00 - 12:15
The Practice of Cluster-based Economic Development: where we are, and how to get to next level? Interactive Audience Panel [Video]
Moderator: Christian Ketels, Faculty and Principal Associate, Harvard Business School
Chip Laingen, Executive Director of The Defense Alliance, Advanced Power & Energy Cluster [Slides] Interactive panel - Cluster Conference 9-29-14.jpg
Brian Kelsey, Director of Economic Development, National Association of Development Organizations (NADO)
David Wolfe, Co-Director of the Innovation Policy Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs , University of Toronto
John Spears, Director of Clusters and Skills Initiatives, U.S. Small Business Administration
Daniel Cunningham, CEO of The Long-Stanton Group, Ohio [Slides]
Using the U.S. Cluster Mapping Tool: Questions - Sarah Jane Maxted and Doug Marcey [Video]
12:15 - 1:15 Buffet Lunch, Atrium
1:15 - 2:15
Freight Rail: The Backbone of the Midwest Economy [Video]
Introduction: Jim Hovland, Mayor of Edina, Co-Chair, Regional Council of Mayors
Matt Rose, Executive Chairman, Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway Company Matt Rose - Cluster Conference 9-29-14.jpg
Tom Horan, Visiting Scholar, Humphrey School; Professor, Claremont Graduate School [Slides] [Freight Economy website] Thumbnail image for Freight Economy Project.jpg
Steve Weiby, Vice President of Global Transportation, C H Robinson [Slides]
2:15 - 3:15
Transportation and Logistics: Moving the Goods to World Markets [Video]
Moderator - Laurie McGinnis, Director, Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota
Lee Munnich, Director, State & Local Policy Program, Humphrey School, University of Minnesota [Slides]
Glenn Stevens, Vice President, MICHauto, Strategic Development, Detroit Regional Chamber [Slides]
John Spacek, Vice President, Centreport, Winnipeg Inland Port, Manitoba, Canada [Slides]
3:15 - 3:30 BREAK
3:30 - 4:45
Knowledge Creation and Education: The Role of Public/Private Partnerships [Video]
Moderator: David Wolfe, Professor and Co-Director of the Innovation Policy Lab, University of Toronto
Brian Herman, Vice President of Research, University of Minnesota Brian Herman - Mapping Conference 9-29-14.jpg
Dan Duncan, Executive Director, Nebraska Innovation Campus Development Corporation [Slides]
Mark Norman, Greater Omaha Economic Development Partnership (Iowa and Nebraska) [Slides]
4:45 - 6:30
Reception in the Humphrey Forum hosted by Canadian Consul
Remarks from Dean Eric Schwartz and Consul General Jamshed Merchant
Ride the METRO Green Line to dinner with a cluster leader

7:30 - Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 - Welcome Moderator Shaye Mandle, President and CEO, Life Science Alley
8:10 - 8:45
Water Technology: An Emerging Cluster in the Midwest? [Video] [Slides]
Introduction: Commissioner Katie Clark Sieben, Department of Employment and Economic
Development Katie Clark Sieben - Cluster Conference 9-30-14.jpg
Doug Baker, Chairman and CEO, Ecolab, Inc.
8:45 - 10:00 Doug Baker - Cluster Conference 9-30-14.jpg
Food-Water-Energy Nexus [Video]
Moderator: Jeremy Lenz, Lenz Consulting LLC.
Alan Perlstein, Midwest Energy Research Consortium, Milwaukee [Slides]
Teresa Harten, Cincinnati Water Technology Cluster Team Lead
Office of Research and Development, United States Environmental Protection Agency [Slides] Teresa Harten - Cluster Conference 9-30-14.jpg
• Dr. Kevin D. Kephart, Vice President for Research, South Dakota State University [Slides]
Stephen Lowe, USDA Geospatial Officer, U. S. Department of Agriculture [Slides] Stephen Lowe - Cluster Conference 9-30-14.jpg
10:00 - 10:15 BREAK
10:15 - 10:30
Commercializing Advanced Technologies in the Carbon Value Chain [Video]
Doug Cameron, Co-President and Director, FirstGreen Partners
10:30 - 11:30
Clusters, International Trade and Global Competitiveness [Video]
Moderator: Prof. Myles Shaver, Strategic Mgmt/Entrepreneurship, Carlson School of Business
David Griggs, Vice President of GREATER MSP, Bilateral Cluster Focused Opportunities
Christian Ketels, Principal Associate, Harvard Business School and President of The Competitiveness Institute Christian Ketels - Cluster Conference 9-30-14.jpg
Jamshed Merchant, Canadian Consul General, Canadian Consulate [Slides] Jamshed Merchant - Cluster Conference 9-30-14.jpg
11:30 - 12:30
How Do We Work Together as a Region? What Are Our Priorities? [Video]
Where the Midwest might go with the topical areas of the conference:
Transportation and Logistics; Knowledge Creation and the Role of Public Private Partnerships;
Food-Water-Energy Nexus; International Trade and Global Competitiveness
Comments by Christian Ketels, Jamshed Merchant, and Jeremy Lenz
Closing remarks
L. Burke Murphy, Conference Coordinator Thumbnail image for Burke Murphy - Mapping Conference 9-30-14.jpg
Lee Munnich, Senior Fellow and Director, State and Local Policy Program, Humphrey School of Public Affairs

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Minneapolis-St. Paul Regional Cluster Competitiveness Forum Videos and Slides

MSP photos.jpg
On November 22nd, the Humphrey School's State and Local Policy Program hosted a forum on Minneapolis-St. Paul's competitive and emerging clusters with the University of Minnesota Center for Integrative Leadership, the University of Minnesota Metro Consortium and the ULI/Regional Council of Mayors. The forum featured the findings of a recently completed study by the State and Local Policy Program of twelve competitive industry clusters in the MSP region and the potential for knowledge flows across occupations in basic (exporting) industries within the region.

A copy of the full study is available here.

Videos and slides for the forum presentations and panel discussions are now available.

Agenda: Full Forum [Video]

08:30 - 08:45 AM Welcome and opening remarks, Dean Eric Schwartz, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota.
Vision for the Greater MSP Region, Michael Langley, President, GREATER MSP. [Video] [Slides]

08:45 - 09:15 AM Summary of MSP Regional Cluster Competitiveness Study: [Video] [Slides]
Lee Munnich, Humphrey School of Public Affairs.
Jonathan Dworin, Humphrey School of Public Affairs.
Nebiyou Tilahun, University of Illinois, Chicago.

09:15 - 10:15 AM PANEL 1: Emerging Industries in the Minneapolis-St. Paul Region. [Video]
Moderator: Matt Schmit, Minnesota State Senator, District 21.
Robotics - Mike Davin, Editor, The Business of Robotics. [Slides]
Biorenewables - Brendan Jordan, Great Plains Institute and BioBusiness Alliance of Minnesota. [Slides]
Water Technology - Steve Riedel, Minnesota Trade Office, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development. [Slides]

10:30 - 11:30 AM PANEL 2: Where do we go from here? [Video]
Moderator: Steve Kelley, Humphrey School of Public Affairs.
Jim Hovland, Mayor of Edina; Co-Chair of Regional Council of Mayors.
Tom Fisher, Dean, University of Minnesota College of Design.
Peter Frosch, GREATER MSP.
Libby Starling, Metro Council.
Phil Barnes, Minnesota Department of Transportation.

11:30 - 12:00 PM Audience discussion and closing remarks. [Video]

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Minneapolis-St. Paul Cluster Studies Published on EDA's U.S. Cluster Mapping Website; MSP Cluster Competitiveness Forum at Humphrey School on November 22nd

MSP Case Study cover.jpgMinneapolis-St. Paul Regional Cluster Initiative: Providing a Framework for Minnesota's Economic Competitiveness
This Policy and Impact Study by the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, State and Local Policy Program at the University of Minnesota is the second in a series of four developed as part of the U.S. Cluster Mapping Project, an effort supported by the U.S. Economic Development Administration. The report illustrates how Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP) has benefited from applying a cluster approach as a conceptual framework for diagnosing the regional economy and as a platform for joint action to address the challenges identified. The cluster framework provided public and private regional leaders with a common language for understanding regional competitiveness, significantly enhancing the effectiveness of their dialogue. By organizing the policy discussion around clusters, the programs that were developed became targeted enough to have an effect on the issues that mattered for MSP. The cluster-based approach was first applied in workforce development, but over time has been used in other policy areas as well, including in the creation of a broader regional economic development strategy.

Thumbnail image for MSP Cluster Competitiveness cover.jpg
Minneapolis-St. Paul Regional Cluster Competitiveness Study

This study by the State and Local Policy Program at UMN's Humphrey School of Public Affairs uses quantitative and qualitative data to profile the 12 largest industry clusters in the Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP) region, as well as emerging clusters of interest. Quantitative data was gathered using the U.S. Cluster Mapping website tools. Presenting economic findings and recommendations for the MSP region, the study can also serve as a companion piece to the U.S. Cluster Mapping Minneapolis-St. Paul Policy and Impact Study.

Friday, November 22, 2013, 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, Cowles Auditorium, 301 19th Ave S., Minneapolis, MN

Register here.

Sponsors: State and Local Policy Program, Humphrey School of Public Affairs; University of Minnesota Center for Integrative Leadership; University of Minnesota Metro Consortium; ULI/Regional Council of Mayors.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Minneapolis-St. Paul Regional Cluster Competitiveness Forum, Nov. 22nd

MSP photos.jpg
Friday, November 22, 2013, 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, Cowles Auditorium, 301 19th Ave S., Minneapolis, MN
Register here.

Sponsors: State and Local Policy Program, Humphrey School of Public Affairs; University of Minnesota Center for Integrative Leadership; University of Minnesota Metro Consortium; ULI/Regional Council of Mayors.

The Humphrey School's State and Local Policy Program recently completed a study of twelve competitive industry clusters in the Minneapolis-St. Paul region and the potential for knowledge flows across occupations in basic (exporting) industries within the region. The study was funded with a grant from the University of Minnesota's Metro Consortium. The authors of this study will present their findings and two panels of industry and policy leaders will discuss the potential for emerging clusters and the policy implications for the study.

A copy of the full study is available here.


08:00 - 08:30 AM Coffee and rolls

08:30 - 08:45 AM Welcome and opening remarks, Dean Eric Schwartz, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota. Vision for the Greater MSP Region, Michael Langley, President, GREATER MSP.

08:45 - 09:15 AM Summary of MSP Regional Cluster Competitiveness Study: Lee Munnich, Humphrey School of Public Affairs. Jonathan Dworin, Humphrey School of Public Affairs. Nebiyou Tilahun, University of Illinois, Chicago.

09:15 - 10:15 AM PANEL 1: Emerging Industries in the Minneapolis-St. Paul Region. Moderator: Matt Schmit, Minnesota State Senator, District 21. Robotics - Mike Davin, Editor, The Business of Robotics. Biorenewables - Brendan Jordan, Great Plains Institute and BioBusiness Alliance of Minnesota. Water Technology - Steve Riedel, Minnesota Trade Office, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development.

10:15 - 10:30 AM Break

10:30 - 11:30 AM PANEL 2: Where do we go from here? Moderator: Steve Kelley, Humphrey School of Public Affairs. Jim Hovland, Mayor of Edina; Co-Chair of Regional Council of Mayors. Tom Fisher, Dean, University of Minnesota College of Design. Peter Frosch, GREATER MSP. Libby Starling, Metro Council. Phil Barnes, Minnesota Department of Transportation.

11:30 - 12:00 PM Audience discussion and closing remarks

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Transportation Policy and Economic Competitiveness Forum Videos Available

Freight Economy.jpg
Value of Freight Transportation to the Minnesota Economy Forum at the Humphrey School, Friday, September 20, 2013

The BNSF Foundation has partnered with the University of Minnesota's Humphrey School of Public Affairs to explore the role freight transportation plays in economic and community life in Minnesota, and the means for understanding and enhancing the value of freight transportation to the Minnesota economy, particularly the private freight rail networks. The forum on September 20th was part of the research objective to engage Minnesota's transportation community in understanding how to further add value to the state's economy and transportation planning.

Discussion focused on how to maximize the role freight can play in Minnesota's economy, the impact of freight rail in the state, the most effective policies to improve the freight transportation network, and the economic benefits of an efficient system.

Watch videos of the forum presentations by clicking on the links below

  • Welcome and Opening Remarks -- James L. Oberstar, former U.S. Congressman, Minnesota [Video]

  • Presentation: The Value of Freight Economy in Minnesota -- Lee Munnich and Tom Horan, State & Local Policy Program, Humphrey School of Public Affairs[Video] [Slides]

  • Rail Related GSP.jpg
  • Keynote -- Matt Rose, Chairman & CEO, BNSF Railway [Video]

  • Keynote -- Amy Klobuchar U.S. Senator, Minnesota [Video]

  • Panel Discussion: Business/Shipper Perspectives -- Scott Nagel, President, ADM-Benson Quinn; Mahendra Mishra, Assistant Vice President, Essar Steel; Steve Weiby, Vice President, C.H. Robinson; Greg Pace, USMC Fellow, U.S. Chamber of Commerce [Video]

  • Panel Discussion: Policy Perspectives -- Sen. Scott Dibble; Chair, Minnnesota Senate Transportation Committee; Rep. Mike Beard, Ranking Member, Minnesota House Transportation Finance Committee; Louie Jambois, President, St. Paul Port Authority; William Gardner, Director, Office of Freight & Commercial Vehicle Operations, Minnesota Department of Transportation [Video]

  • Closing Remarks -- James L. Oberstar [Video]

Sponsored by the Humphrey School's State and Local Policy Program, the University of Minnesota's Center for Transportation Studies, and the BNSF Foundation.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Research Presentation from Transportation and Economic Competitiveness Forum

Here is the Fall Forum Presentation.pdf presented by Lee Munnich and Tom Horan regarding their research regarding the relationship between Freight Rail and Economic Competitiveness in Minnesota.

The key findings to this point are:

  1. Freight rail is important to the economic competitiveness of Minnesota and plays a vital role in movement of key Minnesotan industries;
  2. The partnership between Class 1 and Shortline railroads is valuable and essential for the economic growth of Greater Minnesota;
  3. Freight rail and its infrastructure is under recognized in comparison to other modes of transportation;
  4. Intermodal transportation policy represents the next important area of progress for policymakers and industry professionals; and
  5. Public perception of freight rail's value generally lags behind its actual importance to the economy and communities which it serves.

We plan to post a video recording of the event soon.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

UPDATED: Senator Amy Klobuchar and BNSF Railway CEO Matt Rose To DiscussTransportation Policy and Economic Competitiveness: Friday, September 20th, 2013 8:30am-12:00pm

Did you know that...

Freight rail transported 228 million tons of freight in Minnesota in 2012
Minnesota has the 8th largest rail system in nation with 4,481 route miles of track
Minnesota is 1st in the nation in movement of iron ore, 3rd in farm products and 4th in food

The lesson: Freight transportation is vitally important to jobs and economic competitiveness in Minnesota.

Please join us to hear local and national perspectives on freight transportation and economic competitiveness from U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (Minnesota), Matt Rose, CEO of BNSF Railway, and former Congressman James L. Oberstar. The event will also include two panel discussions featuring businesses and local policymakers. The business panel features Scott Nagel (President, ADM-Benson Quinn) and Mahendra Mishra (Assistant VP, Essar Steel). The policy panel features Sen. Scott Dibble, Rep. Mike Beard, and St. Paul Port Authority President Louie Jambois.

Register Here

Discussion will focus on how to maximize the role freight can play in Minnesota's economy, the impact of freight rail in the state, the most effective policies to improve the freight transportation network, and the economic benefits of an efficient system. Below is the agenda for the event.

8:30-9:00am: Registration & Coffee, Humphrey Atrium

9:00-9:05am: Welcome and Opening Remarks, James L. Oberstar, Cowles Auditorium

9:05-9:30am: Presentation: The Value of Freight Economy in Minnesota--Lee Munnich and Tom Horan, SLPP

9:30-9:45am: Keynote: Matt Rose, CEO, BNSF Railway

9:45-10:00am: Keynote: U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota

10:00-10:45am: Panel Discussion: Business/Shipper Perspectives

· Participants: Scott Nagel (President, ADM-Benson Quinn), Steve Weiby, (VP, C.H. Robinson), Mahendra Mishra (Assistant VP, Essar Steel), Greg Pace (USMC Fellow, U.S. Chamber of Commerce)

10:45-11:30am: Panel Discussion: Policy Perspectives

· Participants: Sen. Scott Dibble, Rep. Mike Beard, Louie Jambois (President, St. Paul Port Authority), William Gardner (Director, Office of Freight & Commercial Vehicle Operations, MnDOT)

11:30-11:45am: Closing Remarks, Congressman James L. Oberstar, Cowles Auditorium

11:45am: Adjournment

Register Here!

Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs