myU OneStop

Regionalities - Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs

UPDATED: Senator Amy Klobuchar and BNSF Railway CEO Matt Rose To DiscussTransportation Policy and Economic Competitiveness: Friday, September 20th, 2013 8:30am-12:00pm

Did you know that...

Freight rail transported 228 million tons of freight in Minnesota in 2012
Minnesota has the 8th largest rail system in nation with 4,481 route miles of track
Minnesota is 1st in the nation in movement of iron ore, 3rd in farm products and 4th in food

The lesson: Freight transportation is vitally important to jobs and economic competitiveness in Minnesota.

Please join us to hear local and national perspectives on freight transportation and economic competitiveness from U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (Minnesota), Matt Rose, CEO of BNSF Railway, and former Congressman James L. Oberstar. The event will also include two panel discussions featuring businesses and local policymakers. The business panel features Scott Nagel (President, ADM-Benson Quinn) and Mahendra Mishra (Assistant VP, Essar Steel). The policy panel features Sen. Scott Dibble, Rep. Mike Beard, and St. Paul Port Authority President Louie Jambois.

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Discussion will focus on how to maximize the role freight can play in Minnesota's economy, the impact of freight rail in the state, the most effective policies to improve the freight transportation network, and the economic benefits of an efficient system. Below is the agenda for the event.

8:30-9:00am: Registration & Coffee, Humphrey Atrium

9:00-9:05am: Welcome and Opening Remarks, James L. Oberstar, Cowles Auditorium

9:05-9:30am: Presentation: The Value of Freight Economy in Minnesota--Lee Munnich and Tom Horan, SLPP

9:30-9:45am: Keynote: Matt Rose, CEO, BNSF Railway

9:45-10:00am: Keynote: U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota

10:00-10:45am: Panel Discussion: Business/Shipper Perspectives

· Participants: Scott Nagel (President, ADM-Benson Quinn), Steve Weiby, (VP, C.H. Robinson), Mahendra Mishra (Assistant VP, Essar Steel), Greg Pace (USMC Fellow, U.S. Chamber of Commerce)

10:45-11:30am: Panel Discussion: Policy Perspectives

· Participants: Sen. Scott Dibble, Rep. Mike Beard, Louie Jambois (President, St. Paul Port Authority), William Gardner (Director, Office of Freight & Commercial Vehicle Operations, MnDOT)

11:30-11:45am: Closing Remarks, Congressman James L. Oberstar, Cowles Auditorium

11:45am: Adjournment

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Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs