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Regionalities - Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs

Toward Zero Deaths Best Practices for Rural Areas

County Road Safety Plans in Minnesota
A webinar sponsored by the Center for Excellence in Rural Safety in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

11 a.m. - noon, Eastern (10 a.m. Central, 9 a.m. Mountain, 8 a.m. Pacific)

This webinar will be broadcast live on the Web and available for later viewing. For more information, visit the event Web page.

Watch the Webcast

To access the audio portion of the webcast, please phone 800-683-4564 and enter code "176225."

About the Event
The Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) developed a statewide Strategic Highway Safety Plan in 2007 to guide safety investments and decisions related to its Towards Zero Deaths efforts. Recently, Mn/DOT embarked on a statewide initiative to create a roadway safety plan for each of Minnesota's 87 counties. The County Road Safety Plan concentrates on information specifically associated with the county roadway network and identifies opportunities to reduce the number of fatal and serious injury crashes.

In this webinar, Brad Estochen will discuss details of the County Road Safety Plan initiative. As part of the project, Mn/DOT and its partners prioritize the roadway network by utilizing a risk assessment that takes into consideration motor vehicle crashes as well as known crash contributors. Using this analytical technique, Mn/DOT will provide each county with a risk assessment of its roadway network as well as a listing of recommended low-cost strategies for specific at-risk roads within its jurisdiction.

Brad Estochen is a principal engineer for Mn/DOT and co-project manager for the County Road Safety Plan project. He works with Minnesota crash and roadway data to identify and mitigate high-crash locations throughout the state. Estochen is also involved in setting speed limits on Minnesota roadways, programming highway safety improvement projects, and promoting interagency cooperation for traffic safety efforts within the state of Minnesota.

More Information
This webinar is the first in a series of three sponsored by CERS. Dates for the other upcoming webinars have yet to be determined. For more information, please contact Kaydee Kirk, kkirk@umn.edu, 612-626-5854.

This seminar is sponsored by the University of Minnesota Center for Excellence in Rural Safety, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration.

Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs