myU OneStop

Regionalities - Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs

Biking and Pedestrian Events coming up week of March 9

I thought readers of this blog might be interested in a couple events that will occur in the coming week (March 9 - 13)

First, right away on Monday morning, BikeWalk Twin Cities will host

Designing Streets from the Outside In:
Complete Streets and Beyond

Monday, March 9th: The “Dream Team” to Visit the Twin Cities

You have expressed enthusiasm for additional consultation with bikeway and pedestrian safety design experts regarding implementation NTP projects. Well, after learning of your preferences and the challenges that confront us, we’ve selected a team that is mighty indeed! "The Dream Team" includes:

Dan Burden
Michael Moule, P.E., P.T.O.E.
Antonio Rosell, P.E.
Michael Ronkin, P.E.
Michael Wallwork, P.E.

Currie Conference Center (CCC)
1200 Currie Ave N
1st Floor-Room 135 & 136
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403

Contact Jam©z Smith: 651.767.0298 x112 jamezs@tlcminnesota.org

The agenda is "below the fold"

Then, on Wednesday, March 11, 2009, 12:45 - 2:00 pm, Anna Flintoft, a Transportation Planner with the City of Minneapolis, Department of Public Works, will give a talk, "Developing the Minneapolis Pedestrian Master Plan," as part of this year's Regional Planning & Policy Brownbag Discussion Series.

The lecture will be in Room 184 Humphrey Center and refreshments will be served. All are welcome to attend. Questions about this event may be directed to me, Frank Douma (612-626-9946 / douma002@umn.edu ), or Laura Noble (Exec admin specialist -- 612-626-0564 / lnoble@umn.edu ).

Hope these events will be interesting to you!

March 9 Workshop

8:30 Welcome/Introductions: Joan Pasiuk
8:40 Bike and Pedestrian Design 101 -- Michael Moule, PE
9:10 How to Make a Healthy Street? Try a Road Diet – Dan Burden
9:40 Low-Cost Improvements, Minnesota Style -- Antonio Rosell, PE
10:10 Break
10:20 The Art of Traffic Engineering: The transportation pie a la mode-- Michael Wallwork, PE
10:50 Designing Streets from the Outside In – Michael Ronkin
11:20 Small Group Exercise: Doing More with Less – Rosell, Hull and Clark
(teams of 4-5 will develop ‘complete streets’ design solutions for specific types of challenges – consultants will play advisory role)
12:30 Lunch

Site Tour

1:30 Bus tour of NTP project sites

4:30 Return

Note: The bus tour is limited to project managers, consultants and policy makers involved in the Non-Motorized Transportation Pilot Program. If bus is not full by Friday, March 6th, other stakeholders will be welcome to participate. Up to four challenging sites will be visited, with design guidance by our national experts in a collaborative, interactive consensus building exercise.

Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs